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小型飛機飛行體驗課程 Trial Introductory Flight

無論是作為業餘愛好還是邁向航空事業的第一步。 飛上天空,體驗飛行終極快感!Take to the skies and experience the ultimate thrill of flight!

  • 2 小時
  • 8,000 港元
  • Austin Road West


數以千計的飛行員通過在香港專業飛行員協會試訓,開始了他們的飛行愛好或職業飛行生涯。無論您是想入行還是父母希望孩子體驗飛行,在實際飛行之前,本課程將涵蓋試飛的基礎知識,其中包括介紹飛行的基本原理、飛機的力學以及起飛前所需的飛行前檢查。 我們還將概述飛機的控制裝置,包括操縱桿、方向舵踏板和油門,並解釋如何使用這些控制裝置在空中操縱飛機。 Before the actual flying, this course will cover the fundamentals of trial flying, which includes an introduction to the basic principles of flight, the mechanics of an aircraft, and the pre-flight checks that are required before takeoff. We will also provide an overview of the controls of the aircraft, including the yoke, rudder pedals, and throttle, and explain how these controls are used to maneuver the aircraft in the air. 此外,我們將探索常用於飛行的不同類型的飛機,例如單引擎活塞飛機,並討論每種類型的優缺點。 我們還將深入研究對確保成功和愉快的飛行體驗至關重要的安全考慮因素,例如天氣條件、空域限制和應急程序。 In addition, we will explore the different types of aircraft that are commonly used for flying, such as single-engine piston aircraft, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type. We will also delve into the safety considerations that are essential to ensure a successful and enjoyable flying experience, such as weather conditions, airspace restrictions, and emergency procedures. 您將對飛行有全面的了解,並體驗小型飛機的飛行,包括飛行力學、飛機控制和安全注意事項的基礎知識。 您將具備必要的知識和技能,可以在專業執照教練的指導下開始自己的試飛體驗,無論是作為業餘愛好還是邁向航空事業的第一步。 準備好飛上天空,體驗飛行的終極快感! You will have a comprehensive understanding of flying, and experience flying in a small aircraft including the basics of flight mechanics, aircraft controls, and safety considerations. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on your own trial flying experience with a professional license instructor, whether as a hobby or as the first step towards a career in aviation. Get ready to take to the skies and experience the ultimate thrill of flight! 共 3 節課 Total 3 Session 第1課 Lesson 1 基礎知識 Basic Knowledge 介紹飛行的基本原理 Introduce the Principle of flight 飛機的力學 Aircraft Mechanics (AGK) 起飛前所需的飛行前檢查 Pre-flight inspections and checklist 飛機的控制裝置 (包括操縱桿、方向舵踏板和油門) Aircraft controls 解釋如何使用這些控制裝置在空中操縱飛機。Explain how to operate the aircraft using these flight controls 天氣條件、空域限制和應急程序 Weather conditions, airspace restrictions and emergency procedures 第2課 Lesson 2 Safety Briefing 安全簡報 Airfield Safety Briefing 機場安全簡報 Aircraft Safety Briefing 飛機安全簡報 第3課 Lesson 3 Actual Practical Trial Flying 實戰試飛 Taxiing 滑行 Take off 起飛 Circuit 環繞機場 Approach 進場 Landing 降落 該課程將在香港和大灣區舉行。 The course will take place both in Hong Kong & Greater Bay Area. 執飛機型是 Diamond DA40飛機,視情況而定。 The Aircraft will be Diamond aircraft DA40 subject to availability.



Before purchasing tickets, carefully review your event selection. Unless otherwise agreed by Hong Kong Professional Airline Pilots Association Limited and the simulator provider, tickets are non-refundable. Certain tickets may be exchanged for tickets from us of equal or higher value. There are no refunds, returns or changes for tickets purchased through resale, tickets purchased with the additional related item and/or bundled products - No refund and no exchange. In addition, we may occasionally offer tickets at a discount after the original on-sale date and will not refund the difference between the original price and the sale price. Events times are representative of the actual event, however, they are subject to change at any time and refunds are not allowed if the event time is updated.


  • Hong Kong Professional Airline Pilots Association 香港專業飛行員協會, Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

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