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NOV27 民航機師飛行體驗日 Flight Experience Day Hong Kong

Sat, 27 Nov


Kwo Lo Wan Road Hong Kong International Airport Lantau Hong Kong

全新飛行體驗日升級版 (期間限定 機會有限) 專供民航機師培訓的空中巴士-王牌飛機 全球銷售量最高的A320客機全功能動感飛行模擬機, 首次在香港對公眾開放 (門票有限, 把握機會 )

NOV27 民航機師飛行體驗日 Flight Experience Day Hong Kong
NOV27 民航機師飛行體驗日 Flight Experience Day Hong Kong


27 Nov 2021, 10:00 – 12:00

Kwo Lo Wan Road Hong Kong International Airport Lantau Hong Kong


專供民航機師培訓的空中巴士-王牌飛機 全球銷售量最高的A320客機全功能動感飛行模擬機, 首次在香港對公眾開放

期間限定 門票有限 賣完即止。For a limited period, and first time in Hong Kong aviation history, The Airbus A320 Full Motion FSTD Level D Flight Simulator is now available for the general public.

根據設施管理辦公室,請注意所有訪客都需要出示香港身份證和疫苗接種證明或鼻咽拭子 (CNTS)/深喉唾液測試 (DTS) 的 COVID-19 陰性測試結果(14 天內) 。 未能滿足兩個要求之一將被拒絕進入建築物。 As per the Facility Management Office, please note all visitors need to present HKID and proof of vaccination or COVID-19 negative test result of combined nasal and throat swabs (CNTS) / deep throat saliva test (DTS) within the last 14 days of the event. Failure to fulfill either one of the two requirements will be rejected to entry the building.


Price as low as 1000 HKD


  • 30 Minutes Full-Motion全動感模擬飛行

    15分鐘全動感模擬飛行 15 minutes full-motion flight experience 在模擬器內模擬飛行30分鐘 30 minutes in the Simulator 其中包括 Which includes 15分鐘親自駕駛手動飛行(PF) 15 minutes manual hands-on flying time in the full-motion Level D Full Flight Simulator as Pilot Flying ​​15分鐘監控飛行(PM) 15 Minutes of Pilot Monitoring 1小時課程 1-hour course ​​ 模擬器內只允許一個人,不能攜帶陪同人 Only one person is allowed in the simulator and no accompanying person allowed ​ 無需經驗 No prior experience required

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  • 20 Minutes Fixed-Based 固定模擬飛行

    20分鐘固定模擬飛行 20 Minutes Fixed-Based Flight Experience 在模擬器內模擬飛行20分鐘 20 minutes in the Simulator 其中包括: Which includes: 10分鐘親自駕駛固定模擬飛行(PF) 10 minutes manual hands-on flying time in the fixed-based Level D Full Flight Simulator as Pilot Flying 10分鐘監控飛行(PM) 10 Pilot Monitoring ​ 1小時課程 1-hour course 香港國際機場起飛及降落一次 Take off and land once at Hong Kong International Airport 模擬器內只允許一個人,不能攜帶陪同人 Only one person is allowed in the simulator and no accompanying person allowed

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  • 30 Mins Full Motions 包機全動感模擬飛行

    在模擬器內模擬飛行30分鐘 30 minutes in the simulator 其中包括 Which includes 30分鐘親自駕駛全動感模擬飛行(PF) 30 minutes manual hands-on flying time in the full-motion Level D Full Flight Simulator as Pilot Flying 1小時課程 1-hour course 模擬器內允許三個人參與,譬如:一人模擬飛行,其餘兩人觀看 / 兩人模擬飛行,其餘一人觀看 Three people are allowed to participate in the simulator session. 無需經驗 No prior experience required

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  • 60 Mins Full-Motion 包機全動感模擬飛行

    在模擬器內模擬飛行60分鐘 60 minutes in the simulator 其中包括 Which includes 60分鐘親自駕駛全動感模擬飛行(PF) 60 minutes manual hands-on flying time in the full-motion Level D Full Flight Simulator as Pilot Flying 1小時課程 1-hour course 模擬器內允許三個人參與,譬如: 一人模擬飛行 (MCC),其餘兩人觀看 兩人模擬飛行 (MCC),其餘一人觀看 三人模擬飛行,每人20分鐘 Three people are allowed to participate in the simulator session. 無需經驗 No prior experience required

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